Start Here!
If you have prayed and asked Jesus Christ to be your Savior and Lord, congratulations! We encourage you to first visit this section of the site, “The New Believer’s Guide”. It will teach you some basic Christian principles as you begin your exciting journey in following Jesus.
Don’t conform to mediocrity! Be a risk taking rebel like the Apostle Paul who dared to pray for his captors while wrongfully in prison for preaching the gospel. Watch Malcom as he tells you his own risk taking adventure that led him to befriend and eventually move 3 men in a gang to profess Jesus Christ as their Savior.
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It is important that you seek to be part of a good church which teaches that Jesus Christ is Savior and Lord, and that will help you grow in your Christian walk. If you are located within the U.S., simply type in your zip code to search for a church in your area:
Lessons Of Faith
June 2, 2010
by Josh McDowell
God’s Attributes
Today I want to talk about God. Who is God? Probably the most profound and the most misunderstood term in the world is the term for God. I am convinced that at the heart of most spiritual problems is the misconception of God. Much of religious heresy is the result of misunderstanding God. Daniel 11:32 says, “And those who know their God should do great exploits.” When we come to properly understand God, then we can trust Him and see great things happen.
Yet here is a problem that keeps many of us from a proper relationship with our heavenly Father. Psalms 50:21 says, “You thought that I was just like you.” We project on our Heavenly Father the image of our earthly father. [Read more…]